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4405 Northside Pkwy NW Ste 110

Atlanta GA 30327

What is Gum Contouring?

A beautiful smile can help you feel confident, joyful, and beautiful from the inside out. Gum contouring is a cosmetic dental procedure that helps people who may not like the look of their smile feel confident about displaying their pearly whites again.

You may want gum contouring performed if you have a lot of gum tissue, an uneven gum line, or deal with side effects of gum disease. Let’s discuss what gum contouring is and if it’s right for you.


What Does the Gum Contouring Procedure Involve?

Gum contouring removes excess gum tissue to create a more balanced gum line. This can help make the teeth look more proportionate and enhance the overall smile. It is a common procedure in cosmetic dentistry and is performed by a dentist with expertise in gum reshaping and cosmetic dentistry.


The Benefits

Different people may benefit from gum contouring in different ways. For some, it may be more beneficial to their oral health, addressing issues like gum disease and recession. For others, it will be more beneficial to their appearance, creating a smile they can’t wait to show the world. What you get out of treatment depends on your own needs and personal goals.

Dealing with gum disease

Gum disease can cause the gum tissue to recede, leading to an uneven gum line and potential exposure of the tooth roots. Gum contouring can help remove the diseased tissue and restore a healthier gum line, thus addressing the effects of periodontal disease.

Improving the appearance of uneven gums

Some people have an uneven gum line, which can make the teeth look disproportionate and affect the aesthetics of their smile. It can effectively reshape the gum tissue to create a more uniform and symmetrical gum line, improving overall appearance.

Addressing excessive gum tissue

Excess gum tissue can give the appearance of a “gummy smile,” where the teeth look shorter than they are due to a lot of gum being displayed. Gum contouring can remove the excess tissue and make the teeth look more prominent and proportionate to the gums.


The Gum Contouring Procedure

There are surgical and non-surgical options for gum contouring, and which one you choose is entirely dependent on the recommendations of your oral care provider and your own preferences.

Gum contouring surgery

It involves carefully removing excess gum tissue with a scalpel. Before the procedure, the area is numbed using a local pain reliever to ensure the patient’s comfort throughout the process.

Laser gum contouring process

Laser technology offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgery. This non-surgical option can precisely remove excess gum tissue with minimal discomfort and faster recovery times compared to a surgical approach.

Recovery and aftercare

Following treatment, you may experience minor discomfort or swelling, which can typically be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Your oral surgeon will provide specific post-operative instructions to encourage proper healing and good oral hygiene, including gentle brushing and the use of antimicrobial mouth rinses.

Risks and considerations 

As with any surgical procedure, there are inherent risks associated with treatment, including the possibility of infection, bleeding, or adverse reactions to anesthesia.


Candidacy for Treatment

Individuals who are dissatisfied with the appearance of their gums, have receding gums, or have an uneven gum line may be suitable candidates. Prior to undergoing treatment, you need to schedule a consultation with a dentist specializing in cosmetic dental procedures.

During the consultation, they can assess your eligibility for treatment and give you a realistic idea of what outcomes you can expect from the procedure. Depending on your specific concerns, alternative treatments may achieve similar results without the need for treatment.


Frequently Asked Questions

Is gum contouring permanent?

Yes, gum contouring is considered permanent. In very rare instances gum tissue may begin to regrow. Talk to your oral surgeon about this risk.

Is gum contouring worth the trouble of surgery and recovery?

That’s a personal question that only you can answer. Consider if you’re willing to maintain good oral hygiene post-procedure, why you want to get gum contouring in the first place, and if other potential options your oral surgeon told you about sounded more appealing.

Is gum contouring safe?

Yes, gum contouring is considered safe. However, not everyone is a good candidate for the procedure, particularly if they have gum disease.


Brighten Your Smile with Gum Contouring

Gum contouring is a safe way to let your inner beauty shine again. At Atlanta Smiles, we know that real beauty comes from the inside, and we’re dedicated to helping you find the confidence to let it show. If you’re interested in treatment, schedule a consultation with us at Atlanta Smiles to learn more.

About Atlanta Smiles

Welcome To Our Atlanta Dentist Office

Dr. Dina Giesler and her team at Atlanta Smiles view comprehensive dentistry as a life-long commitment to your health, appearance and self-image. One element of our comprehensive care is cosmetic dentistry. We are passionate about enhancing your beautiful smile, and are highly skilled in every space of cosmetics, including veneers, porcelain crowns, teeth whitening, invisible orthodontic aligners, braces and tooth-colored fillings.