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Facts About Fluoride (for Adults and Older Kids)

  Fluoride IS a Good Thing We spoke about fluoride and young children in our previous Smile Blog originally posted September 29, 2015, Kids and Fluoride, but we wanted to revisit the topic to discuss how fluoride can be a huge benefit to mouths of all ages.  Originally designed to combat tooth decay, fluoride has LOTS of […]

Kids and Fluoride: Get the Facts

  Have you ever watched a child put toothpaste on their toothbrush?  It’s not usually the delicate pea-sized amount that the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends for kids 3 and older.  Even for younger kids, the AAP says only to use a “smear (grain of rice amount)” prior to the 3rd birthday.  But, why […]

Got Cavities?: Tips for Cavity Prevention

We all know that our dentists tell us to schedule cleanings twice a year, but how much thought have we actually given to why? Regular cleanings and dental visits are important for several reasons, but just like taking your car to the shop for oil changes, tire rotations and periodic checkups, the most important reason […]